Guide to Using Eyelash Extension Glue Correctly

The lash adhesive is necessary for securing the eyelash extensions to the natural lashes. A suitable eyelash extension glue from a Lash Extension Glue Supplier is the best choice that sticks well on your skin. But anyone's natural lashes could suffer serious harm from the wrong glue. As a beginner, you should first learn how to use glue correctly. Below are the guidelines to using eyelash extension glue correctly: Shake your eyelash glue Before you start the lash extension process, shake your lash adhesive. If you shake it with your hand, shake it side by side for at least a minute or two to ensure the components are thoroughly combined. Your glue will rise on the nozzle every time you shake it up and down. If you shake the thinner viscosity adhesive up and down, the cap will likely adhere to it, and your glue won't function properly. Start shaking your eyelash glue one minute before the start of your day if you are using a glue shaker. Storage Make sure you preserve ...